Earlier we looked at how we could apply bootstrapping to a linear model. We generated bootstrap standard errors for the OLS coefficient estimates. Here we will apply bootstrapping to the models to ChickWeight
Let \(weight_{ijt}\) be the weight of chick \(i\) in Diet group \(j\) observed in time \(t\). We will apply bootstrapping to the following models;
Model 1: linear time trend \[weight_{ijt} = \alpha_{0} + \beta_{1j}\: time_t + \varepsilon_{ijt}\]
Model 2: linear time trend with Chick fixed effects \[ weight_{ijt} = \alpha_{0} + \beta_{1j}\: time_t + \alpha_i+ \varepsilon_{ijt}\]
Model 3: linear time trend with Chick random effects \[ weight_{ijt} = \alpha_{0} + \beta_{1j}\: time_t + v_{ijt}, \:\: v_{ijt} = \alpha_i+ \varepsilon_{ijt}\]
Load libraries and data.
getFormula <- function(ols, lmer=FALSE) gsub("()","", ifelse(!lmer, ols$call[2], ols@call[2]))
getDependentVar <- function(ols, lmer=FALSE) {
str <- getFormula(ols, lmer=lmer)
gsub(" ","", substr(str, 1, (regexpr("~",str)[1]-1))) 
run_ols_boot <- function(lm_rlt, num_do = 5000) {
# calculate the standard deviation of the residuals
N <- length(lm_rlt$residuals)
sd_res <- (sum(lm_rlt$residuals^2)/lm_rlt$df.residual) %>% sqrt()
dep_var <- getDependentVar(lm_rlt)
do(num_do) *
data_bt <- lm_rlt$model
# replace the dependent variable with its bootstrap counterpart
data_bt[[dep_var]] <- lm_rlt$fitted.values + # the predicted component
+ rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = sd_res) # random draws from the error distribution
# run the OLS model with the same formula but with a new, bootstrap dataset
ols_bt <- lm(as.formula(getFormula(lm_rlt)), data = data_bt)
coef(ols_bt) # get coefficients
# function generating a matrix of ones
ones <- function(r,c) matrix(c(rep(1,r*c)),nrow=r,ncol=c)
# confidence interval by bootstrapping
# version 1
ci_ver1 <- function(est_bt, alpha = 0.05) {
# est_bt: bootstrap estimates with row = boot replications, col = coefficients
apply(est_bt, 2, function(x) quantile(x, c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))) %>% t()
# version 2
ci_ver2 <- function(est_sample, bt_sd, alpha = 0.05) {
# est_semple: sample estimate vector
# bt_sd: bootstrap sd estimates of est_sample-vector
cbind('2.5%' = est_sample - 1.96 * bt_sd,
'97.5%' = est_sample + 1.96 * bt_sd)
# bootstrap p-value
bt_p_val <- function(est_sample, est_bt) {
# est_semple: sample estimate vector
# est_bt: bootstrap estimates with row = boot replications, col = coefficients
est_bt_long <- est_bt %>% data.frame() %>% gather()
est_bt_long <- est_bt_long %>%
center_var = kronecker(ones(nrow(est_bt),1), matrix(est_sample, nrow=1)) %>% c(),
extremes = abs(value - center_var) >= abs(center_var)
p_val <- est_bt_long %>%
group_by(key) %>%
summarise(p_val = sum(extremes)/nrow(est_bt))
return(list(p_val=p_val, df_long=est_bt_long))
# histogram visualization
coeff_bt_histogram <- function(est_sample, est_bt, centering =FALSE) {
# est_semple: sample estimate vector
# est_bt: bootstrap estimates with row = boot replications, col = coefficients
est_bt_long <- bt_p_val(est_sample, est_bt)$df_long
if (centering) {
est_bt_long <- est_bt_long %>%
key = paste(key, " - center"),
value = value - center_var,
fill_var = extremes
legend_lab <- "Extremes: | value - center | > | center |"
x_lab <- "value - center"
} else {
est_bt_long <- est_bt_long %>%
sign = kronecker(ones(nrow(est_bt),1), matrix(ifelse(est_sample>0,1,-1), nrow=1)) %>% c(),
fill_var = value * sign <= 0
legend_lab <- "Crossing zero?"
x_lab <- "value"
est_bt_long %>%
ggplot(aes(x = value, fill = fill_var)) +
geom_histogram(color = "white", bins = 40) + theme(legend.position="bottom") +
facet_wrap(~key, scales = "free") + labs(fill = legend_lab, x = x_lab)
run_lmer_boot <- function(lmer_rlt, num_do = 5000) {
# Randome effects (RE) model bootstrapping (random intercepts, not random slopes)
rlt <- list()
rlt$model <- lmer_rlt@pp$X # model data for the part of fixed coefficients
N <- length(residuals(lmer_rlt))
rlt$fitted_no_RE <- rlt$model %*% matrix(fixef(lmer_rlt), ncol=1)
RE_vals <- lmer_rlt@flist[[1]] %>% unique() # RE variable values
N_RE <- length(RE_vals) # number of RE variable values
rlt$RE_idx <- rep(NA, N)
for (i in 1:N_RE) rlt$RE_idx[which(lmer_rlt@flist[[1]] == RE_vals[i])] <- i # index of RE variable values
sd_res <- sigma(lmer_rlt) # standard deviation of the residuals
sd_RE <- lmer_rlt@theta * sd_res # standard deviation of RE
dep_var <- getDependentVar(lmer_rlt, lmer=TRUE)
do(num_do) *
data_bt <- data.frame(lmer_rlt@frame)
# replace the dependent variable with its bootstrap counterpart
data_bt[[dep_var]] <- rlt$fitted_no_RE + # the predicted component by fixed coefficients
+ rnorm(N_RE, mean = 0, sd = sd_RE)[rlt$RE_idx] + # random draws of tge RE distribution
+ rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = sd_res) # random draws of the residual distribution
# run the RE model with the same formula but with a new, bootstrap dataset
lmer_bt <- lmer(as.formula(getFormula(lmer_rlt, lmer=TRUE)), data = data_bt)
sd_res_bt <- sigma(lmer_bt)
sd_RE_bt <- lmer_bt@theta * sd_res_bt
c(fixef(lmer_bt), sigma_RE = sd_RE_bt, sigma_res = sd_res_bt) # get fixed coefficients
Inside do(num_do)({...})
, observe the additional random component for the random effects, which is a vector of random intercepts of length = number of random effect variable. We assign these random draws to individual units.
ChickWeight2 <- ChickWeight
# model 1
model_1 <- lm( weight ~ Diet*Time - Diet, data = ChickWeight2)
rlt_model_1_bt <- run_ols_boot(model_1, num_do = 2000)
obs_model_1 <- tidy(model_1) # summary of the original OLS estimates
bt_sd_1 <- apply(rlt_model_1_bt, 2, sd) # calculate bootstrap standard errors
bt_mode1_1 <- cbind(coeff = obs_model_1$estimate,
sd = bt_sd_1,
tstat = obs_model_1$estimate/bt_sd_1)
# OLS estimate with statistical inferences by statistic theory
# OLS estimate with statistical inferences by bootstrapping
coeff sd tstat
Intercept 27.858834 2.5860717 10.772645
Time 7.049161 0.2511614 28.066260
Diet2.Time 1.611209 0.3008103 5.356229
Diet3.Time 3.738317 0.3016122 12.394446
Diet4.Time 2.861438 0.3073260 9.310757
2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 22.653963 32.893020
Time 6.548692 7.537667
Diet2.Time 1.054466 2.212098
Diet3.Time 3.145243 4.329096
Diet4.Time 2.262429 3.486386
ci_ver2(obs_model_1$estimate, bt_sd_1, model_1$df.residual)
2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 22.790133 32.927534
Time 6.556884 7.541437
Diet2.Time 1.021621 2.200797
Diet3.Time 3.147157 4.329477
Diet4.Time 2.259079 3.463796
bt_p_val(obs_model_1$estimate, rlt_model_1_bt)$p_val
# histogram
coeff_bt_histogram(obs_model_1$estimate, rlt_model_1_bt, centering=FALSE)
# model 2
model_2 <- lm( weight ~ Diet*Time - Diet + Chick, data = ChickWeight2)
rlt_model_2_bt <- run_ols_boot(model_2, num_do = 2000)
obs_model_2 <- tidy(model_2) # summary of the original OLS estimates
bt_sd_2 <- apply(rlt_model_2_bt, 2, sd) # calculate bootstrap standard errors
bt_mode1_2 <- cbind(coeff = obs_model_2$estimate,
sd = bt_sd_2,
tstat = obs_model_2$estimate/bt_sd_2)
# OLS estimate with statistical inferences by statistic theory
# OLS estimate with statistical inferences by bootstrapping
coeff sd tstat
Intercept 28.2445096 1.9855711 14.22487929
Time 6.6906239 0.2596489 25.76796272
Chick.L 25.6466519 14.0353961 1.82728380
Chick.Q -13.5654294 12.5576791 -1.08024973
Chick.C 51.9445570 11.7812219 4.40909758
Chick.4 9.2225392 11.4675797 0.80422718
Chick.5 -33.3384388 10.3455502 -3.22249065
Chick.6 41.0951586 10.9740495 3.74475789
Chick.7 -0.2107096 8.9305734 -0.02359418
Chick.8 5.8962394 10.2616228 0.57459132
Chick.9 13.4344671 8.9302403 1.50437912
Chick.10 -16.1181057 8.6544264 -1.86241178
Chick.11 -45.0381766 8.3007688 -5.42578378
Chick.12 9.6177311 8.3138454 1.15683305
Chick.13 55.0050219 8.0707850 6.81532492
Chick.14 8.1414846 7.7037995 1.05681419
Chick.15 -45.9058209 8.0669753 -5.69058652
Chick.16 -15.9530106 7.8268258 -2.03824782
Chick.17 28.2004666 7.6961323 3.66423880
Chick.18 17.2879476 7.7190033 2.23966062
Chick.19 -24.3940107 7.3623970 -3.31332454
Chick.20 13.0230252 7.5793338 1.71822822
Chick.21 12.9951812 7.5285354 1.72612340
Chick.22 -10.4667014 7.6737562 -1.36396063
Chick.23 3.4996009 7.4757583 0.46812654
Chick.24 3.9263398 7.4821592 0.52476026
Chick.25 -35.2223376 7.1613119 -4.91841969
Chick.26 20.8034554 7.4356204 2.79781032
Chick.27 41.5753691 7.2655607 5.72225200
Chick.28 8.9788801 7.3490760 1.22176993
Chick.29 -22.6530019 7.2127852 -3.14067329
Chick.30 -7.0641070 7.3393622 -0.96249603
Chick.31 11.6522480 7.3360895 1.58834593
Chick.32 16.4033102 7.1629405 2.29002463
Chick.33 -3.1073624 7.4438784 -0.41743863
Chick.34 -6.9049827 7.4434326 -0.92766106
Chick.35 0.5744950 7.0153017 0.08189171
Chick.36 -16.0760278 7.2991837 -2.20244189
Chick.37 -4.2041629 7.4068202 -0.56760699
Chick.38 -12.9040587 7.5312322 -1.71340603
Chick.39 -11.6779774 7.5096363 -1.55506565
Chick.40 42.2805547 7.4526749 5.67320528
Chick.41 -13.5916736 7.3790711 -1.84192202
Chick.42 -32.8738896 7.4252763 -4.42729513
Chick.43 -38.4670120 7.4298335 -5.17737203
Chick.44 12.3700410 7.5217965 1.64455939
Chick.45 -20.2123257 7.5361000 -2.68206707
Chick.46 23.0112367 7.3743422 3.12044600
Chick.47 -11.3521235 7.4495541 -1.52386617
Chick.48 -16.5301765 7.1550528 -2.31028017
Chick.49 -31.1804687 7.5594969 -4.12467508
Diet2.Time 1.9185124 0.4286596 4.47560806
Diet3.Time 4.7322471 0.4445013 10.64619507
Diet4.Time 2.9653114 0.4347580 6.82060215
2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 24.313538 32.0576181
Time 6.205119 7.2186092
Chick.L -2.307375 52.8166013
Chick.Q -37.719358 10.6560247
Chick.C 28.783165 74.8672253
Chick.4 -12.685474 32.7306138
Chick.5 -54.191316 -13.4857366
Chick.6 19.629291 62.6320371
Chick.7 -17.226958 16.9220251
Chick.8 -13.780153 25.4488033
Chick.9 -3.856480 30.7518958
Chick.10 -33.818116 0.7094726
Chick.11 -61.100776 -27.9948297
Chick.12 -6.474448 25.9606673
Chick.13 38.885773 70.7144012
Chick.14 -6.800293 23.1543283
Chick.15 -61.961100 -29.7182984
Chick.16 -30.616152 -0.7889231
Chick.17 13.570366 42.9375852
Chick.18 1.860687 32.4160003
Chick.19 -38.516768 -10.6574920
Chick.20 -1.121593 27.7412117
Chick.21 -1.428137 28.0364710
Chick.22 -25.545140 4.8310177
Chick.23 -10.858153 18.6116745
Chick.24 -10.518633 18.2462698
Chick.25 -49.414351 -20.7086570
Chick.26 6.325055 35.1847648
Chick.27 27.220889 55.4067394
Chick.28 -6.109585 22.8199932
Chick.29 -36.090597 -8.4163810
Chick.30 -21.148078 7.7349804
Chick.31 -2.780116 26.4266853
Chick.32 2.584052 30.2253285
Chick.33 -17.725920 12.0296240
Chick.34 -21.276893 7.9541216
Chick.35 -13.247002 13.7500169
Chick.36 -31.356043 -1.9887921
Chick.37 -19.590968 9.3432318
Chick.38 -27.622970 1.8319825
Chick.39 -26.813294 2.8381737
Chick.40 27.842575 56.6360329
Chick.41 -28.122396 0.8054383
Chick.42 -48.042103 -18.7713323
Chick.43 -53.307274 -24.4147625
Chick.44 -1.664027 27.9581874
Chick.45 -35.705630 -5.6602085
Chick.46 9.300954 37.8833245
Chick.47 -26.694689 2.6615355
Chick.48 -30.656458 -2.8262318
Chick.49 -46.685957 -17.2721901
Diet2.Time 1.072546 2.7632157
Diet3.Time 3.878032 5.5918894
Diet4.Time 2.112013 3.7754640
ci_ver2(obs_model_2$estimate, bt_sd_2, model_2$df.residual)
2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 24.352790 32.1362290
Time 6.181712 7.1995358
Chick.L -1.862724 53.1560283
Chick.Q -38.178480 11.0476216
Chick.C 28.853362 75.0357518
Chick.4 -13.253917 31.6989954
Chick.5 -53.615717 -13.0611604
Chick.6 19.586021 62.6042957
Chick.7 -17.714633 17.2932142
Chick.8 -14.216541 26.0090201
Chick.9 -4.068804 30.9377381
Chick.10 -33.080782 0.8445701
Chick.11 -61.307683 -28.7686698
Chick.12 -6.677406 25.9128681
Chick.13 39.186283 70.8237604
Chick.14 -6.957962 23.2409316
Chick.15 -61.717092 -30.0945493
Chick.16 -31.293589 -0.6124320
Chick.17 13.116047 43.2848859
Chick.18 2.158701 32.4171940
Chick.19 -38.824309 -9.9637126
Chick.20 -1.832469 27.8785194
Chick.21 -1.760748 27.7511107
Chick.22 -25.507264 4.5738608
Chick.23 -11.152885 18.1520871
Chick.24 -10.738692 18.5913718
Chick.25 -49.258509 -21.1861662
Chick.26 6.229639 35.3772713
Chick.27 27.334870 55.8158680
Chick.28 -5.425309 23.3830690
Chick.29 -36.790061 -8.5159428
Chick.30 -21.449257 7.3210430
Chick.31 -2.726488 26.0309834
Chick.32 2.363947 30.4426735
Chick.33 -17.697364 11.4826392
Chick.34 -21.494111 7.6841453
Chick.35 -13.175496 14.3244863
Chick.36 -30.382428 -1.7696279
Chick.37 -18.721531 10.3132047
Chick.38 -27.665274 1.8571565
Chick.39 -26.396865 3.0409097
Chick.40 27.673312 56.8877975
Chick.41 -28.054653 0.8713058
Chick.42 -47.427431 -18.3203481
Chick.43 -53.029486 -23.9045384
Chick.44 -2.372680 27.1127621
Chick.45 -34.983082 -5.4415696
Chick.46 8.557526 37.4649475
Chick.47 -25.953250 3.2490025
Chick.48 -30.554080 -2.5062731
Chick.49 -45.997083 -16.3638547
Diet2.Time 1.078340 2.7586852
Diet3.Time 3.861025 5.6034695
Diet4.Time 2.113186 3.8174371
bt_p_val(obs_model_2$estimate, rlt_model_2_bt)$p_val
obs_model_2_time <- obs_model_2 %>% filter(grepl("Intercept", term) | grepl("Time", term))
obs_model_2_chick <- obs_model_2 %>% filter(grepl("Chick", term))
rlt_model_2_bt_time <- rlt_model_2_bt %>% dplyr::select(contains("Intercept"), contains("Time"))
rlt_model_2_bt_chick <- rlt_model_2_bt %>% dplyr::select(contains("Chick"))
coeff_bt_histogram(obs_model_2_time$estimate, rlt_model_2_bt_time, centering=FALSE)
coeff_bt_histogram(obs_model_2_chick$estimate[1:6], rlt_model_2_bt_chick[,1:6], centering=FALSE)
# model 3
model_3 <- lmer( weight ~ Diet*Time - Diet + (1 | Chick), data = ChickWeight2)
rlt_model_3_bt <- run_lmer_boot(model_3, num_do = 2000)
Warning in optwrap(optimizer, devfun, getStart(start, rho$lower, rho$pp), :
convergence code 3 from bobyqa: bobyqa -- a trust region step failed to
reduce q
obs_model_3 <- tidy(model_3) # summary of the original lmer estimates
bt_sd_3 <- apply(rlt_model_3_bt, 2, sd) # calculate bootstrap standard errors
bt_mode1_3 <- cbind(coeff = obs_model_3$estimate,
sd = bt_sd_3,
tstat = obs_model_3$estimate/bt_sd_3)
# random model estimate with statistical inferences by statistic theory (default)
# random model estimate with statistical inferences by bootstrapping
coeff sd tstat
Intercept 28.185242 3.7185615 7.579609
Time 6.772853 0.2433695 27.829510
Diet2.Time 1.844157 0.3960850 4.655962
Diet3.Time 4.475562 0.3862551 11.587062
Diet4.Time 2.941763 0.3883760 7.574523
sigma_RE 23.085561 2.6262252 8.790396
sigma_res 25.358103 0.7993851 31.722010
2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 20.797343 35.443250
Time 6.292339 7.269661
Diet2.Time 1.054010 2.634484
Diet3.Time 3.720337 5.254353
Diet4.Time 2.175138 3.679915
sigma_RE 17.877542 28.100382
sigma_res 23.850278 26.982850
ci_ver2(obs_model_3$estimate, bt_sd_3, (nrow(ChickWeight2) - nrow(obs_model_3)))
2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 20.896862 35.473622
Time 6.295849 7.249857
Diet2.Time 1.067830 2.620483
Diet3.Time 3.718502 5.232622
Diet4.Time 2.180546 3.702980
sigma_RE 17.938159 28.232962
sigma_res 23.791308 26.924898
bt_p_val(obs_model_3$estimate, rlt_model_3_bt)$p_val
coeff_bt_histogram(obs_model_3$estimate, rlt_model_3_bt, centering=FALSE)