4.1 Unusual Deaths in Mexico


This is a practice session of dplyr and ggplot2 using a case study related to tidyr package.

The case is about investigating the causes of death in Mexico that have unusual temporal patterns within a day. The data on mortality in 2008 have the following pattern by hour;

Temporal pattern of all causes of death

Figure 4.1: Temporal pattern of all causes of death

Do you find anything unusual or unexpected? The figure shows several peaks within a day, indicating some increased risk of death during certain times of the day. What could generate these patterns?

Wickham, the author of the case study, finds;

The causes of [unusual] death fall into three main groups: murder, drowning, and transportation related. Murder is more common at night, drowning in the afternoon, and transportation related deaths during commute times (Wickham 2014).

Causes of death with unusual temporal courses. Hour of day (hod) on the x-axis and proportion (prop) on the y-axis. Overall hourly death rate shown in grey. Causes of death with more than 350 deaths over a year.

Figure 4.2: Causes of death with unusual temporal courses. Hour of day (hod) on the x-axis and proportion (prop) on the y-axis. Overall hourly death rate shown in grey. Causes of death with more than 350 deaths over a year.

We will use two datasets:

  • deaths containing the timing and coded causes of deaths
  • codes containing the look-up table for the coded causes.

The dataset deaths has over 53,000 records (rows), so we use head() to look at the first several rows.

# "deaths08b" is a renamed dataset with easier-to-read column names 
##   Year of Death (yod) Month of Death (mod) Day of Death (dod)
## 1                2008                    1                  1
## 2                2008                    1                  1
## 3                2008                    1                  1
## 4                2008                    1                  1
## 5                2008                    1                  1
## 6                2008                    1                  1
##   Hour of Death (hod) Cause of Death (cod)
## 1                   1                  B20
## 2                   1                  B22
## 3                   1                  C18
## 4                   1                  C34
## 5                   1                  C50
## 6                   1                  C50

The dataset codes has 1851 records.

This table is generated by DT and webshot packages. In the search box, you can type in key words like “bacteria”, “nutrition”, and “fever”, as well as “assault” and “exposure” to see what items are in the data.

We will reproduce this case study and practice using functions of dplyr and ggplot2.

Arts & Crafts

Let’s recap the key ingredients of dplyr and ggplot2 from the introduction in Section 2.

The six important functions in dplyr are:

  • filter(): extracts rows (e.g., observations) of a data frame. We put logical vectors in its arguments.

  • select(): extracts columns (e.g., variables) of a data frame. We put column names in its arguments.

  • arrange(): orders rows of a data frame. We put column names in its arguments.

  • summarise(): collapses a data frame into summary statistics. We put summary functions (e.g., statistics functions) using column names in its arguments.

  • mutate(): creates new variables and adds them to the existing columns. We put window functions (e.g., transforming operations) using column names in its arguments.

  • group_by(): assigns rows into groups within a data frame. We put column names in its arguments.

We use piping operator %>% (read as then) to translate a sentence of sequential instructions. For example, start with dataset deaths08, then group the data by month of death, and then summarize the grouped data for the number of observations.

deaths08 %>% 
  group_by(mod) %>% # mod: month of death
  summarise(nobs = n()) # n(): a dplyr funciton to count rows 
## # A tibble: 12 x 2
##      mod  nobs
##    <int> <int>
##  1     1 49002
##  2     2 41685
##  3     3 44433
##  4     4 39845
##  5     5 41710
##  6     6 38592
##  7     7 40198
##  8     8 40297
##  9     9 39481
## 10    10 41671
## 11    11 43341
## 12    12 42265

The graphics with ggplot2 consist of three components:

  • data: a data frame e.g., the first argument in ggplot(data, ...).

  • geom: geometric objects such as points, lines, bars, etc. with parameters in parenthesis; e.g., geom_point(), geom_line(), geom_histogram()

  • aes: specifications for x-y variables, as well as variables to differentiate geom objects by color, shape, or size. e.g., aes(x = var_x, y = var_y, shape = var_z)

We specify data and aes in ggplot() and then add geom objects followed by + symbol (read as add a layer of); e.g., ggplot(data = dataset, mapping = aes(x = ...)) + geom_point(). The order of layers added by + symbol is mostly interchangeable.

Combined with %>% operator, we can think of the code as a sentence. For example, consider a histogram of the line-graph for the total number of deaths above. We can formulate the following sequence of steps; “start with dataset deaths08, then plot data via gglpot() where aes() features hour of day on the x-axis and add a player of geom object geom_histogram().”

deaths08 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = hod)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, color = "white") 

Here are a few more examples.

# a summary by month of day and hour of day.
# e.g, Jan-1am, ..,Jan-12pm, Feb-1am,..., Feb-12pm, ...   
n_month_hour <- deaths08 %>%
  group_by(mod, hod) %>%
  summarise( nobs = n() )

n_month_hour %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = hod, y = nobs, color = as.factor(mod))) + 

# "last_plot() + " allows for adding more layers to the previous plot
last_plot() + geom_line()


Now it is your turn. The exercise is to reproduce the above results for the unusual causes of deaths.

  1. Download materials: case study paper and case study data

  2. Set working directly: setwd(your_directory)

  3. Load libraries: library(dplyr), library(ggplot2), library(MASS) (used for fitting data by robust regression)

  • Note 1: There is a minor error in the case study where the author accidentally kept several records of data from years other than 2008. This has virtually no effect on the results, and we are seeking to reproduce the same results as in the case study.

  • Note 2: You could look at the code in the paper for hints. However, the code is written with the functions of plyr package, which is sort of like a predecessor of dplyr.

Speaking of plyr, when loaded together, plyr and dplyr can cause namespace issues (having the same function names from different packages!). plyr namespace is automatically loaded with ggplot2. If you type ?summarise and ?arrange you will see that these functions are loaded from the two packages.

This problem is not uncommon in R, as notified upon loading packages by the warnings about masked functions. To call a function from a specific package, use double-colon operator (e.g., dplyr::summarise()). The reference before :: is called namespace, and you can find out all namespaces loaded in the current session;

##  [1] "Rcpp"        "knitr"       "bindr"       "magrittr"    "grDevices"  
##  [6] "munsell"     "colorspace"  "R6"          "rlang"       "plyr"       
## [11] "stringr"     "dplyr"       "tools"       "utils"       "webshot"    
## [16] "DT"          "grid"        "gtable"      "xfun"        "htmltools"  
## [21] "stats"       "datasets"    "lazyeval"    "rprojroot"   "digest"     
## [26] "assertthat"  "tibble"      "base"        "bookdown"    "bindrcpp"   
## [31] "ggplot2"     "htmlwidgets" "graphics"    "glue"        "evaluate"   
## [36] "rmarkdown"   "stringi"     "compiler"    "pillar"      "methods"    
## [41] "scales"      "backports"   "pkgconfig"

For example, the following commands produce different results;

mtcars  %>% group_by(cyl) %>% dplyr::summarise(avgwt = mean(wt))
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##     cyl avgwt
##   <dbl> <dbl>
## 1    4.  2.29
## 2    6.  3.12
## 3    8.  4.00
mtcars  %>% group_by(cyl) %>% plyr::summarise(avgwt = mean(wt))
##     avgwt
## 1 3.21725

One way to ensure that we refer to dplyr functions, we can overwrite function names and pass the arguments;

# force function namespace for key dplyr functions  
select <- function(...) dplyr::select(...)
filter <- function(...) dplyr::filter(...)
arrange <- function(...) dplyr::arrange(...)
summarise <- function(...) dplyr::summarise(...)
summarize <- function(...) dplyr::summarise(...)
mutate <- function(...) dplyr::mutate(...) 
group_by <- function(...) dplyr::group_by(...) 

Part A. Display overall hourly deaths

We will reproduce the following plot:


  • Filter NA in the hour of day (hod) variable and define a new dataset

  • Use group_by(), summarise(), n() to obtain death counts by group

  • Use ggplot() + geom_line() to produce plot

  • Use + labs( x = "x lable", y = "y label") for axis labels

  • see help file of scale_y_continous() for comma (use ?function_name for help)

Part B. Count deaths per hour, per disease

We will reproduce the following table:

The table shows the first 15 rows of a transformed dataset. Panel (a) shows a frequency (i.e. the number of rows) for each combination of hour of day (hod) and cause of death (cod), supplemented by the disease description in panel (b). Panel (c) shows the proportion (prop) of these combinations within the cause of death; which likely a given cause of death is observed across hours of the day? Panel (d) presents the overall hourly death counts and rates (freq_all and prop_all); if every hour has the same probability of death, we would see prop_all \(\approx\) 0.042 (i.e., 1/24).

Here, we see the author’s idea of identifying “unusual deaths” by looking at how “prop” of each hod-cod pairs deviates from “prop_all” (see figure 4.2). What would this comparison mean? Intuitively, we can think of “prop_all” as the normal death rate in a given hour. The key here is to recognize how the author defines unusual deaths. Clearly, there are a small set of common causes of death and a large set of many rare (and obscure) causes of death. The causes of death that are simply rare are not particularly interesting to examine. Here, the author defines unusual deaths as the deaths occurred in unusual hours of the day and examines the associated causes. The variable “prop” describes how each cause of death appears each hour of the day as its total proportion of deaths by that cause.

Hints for creating panel (a)

  • Use more than one variable in group_by()

  • Use summarise() with n() to obtain death counts by group

Hints for creating panel (b)

  • Use left_join() to add the information from dataset codes

Hints for creating panel (c)

  • Use mutate() with sum() on the joined dataset above

Hints for creating panel (d)

  • Create a new data frame by using summarise() on the joined and mutated data frame above. summarise() will reduce the dimension of the data frame to its summary, which is the basis of panel (d). Once the desired summary is created, merge it to the data frame of panels (a)-(c).

  • Before using summarise() above, use group_by() to specify new grouping

  • First create freq_all variable via summarise() with n(), use ungroup(), then create prop_all variable via mutate() with sum(). Call this data frame overall_freq, which will be used again at the very end.

  • Use left_join() to join panels (a)-(c) and panel (d) (overall_freq), which we refer to as master_hod data frame.

Hints for displaying the same rows as in the Table 16 above

  • Create a subset of the master_hod data under a new name

  • Use filter() to select cod being either “I21”, “N18”, “E84”, or “B16” and hod being greater or equal to 8 and smaller or less than 11

  • Use select() to pick columns in a desired order and arrange() to sort

Part C. Find outliers

We will reproduce the following plots:

Figure 2: (a) Plot of n vs deviation. Variability of deviation is dominated by sample size: small samples have large variability. (b) Log-log plot makes it easy to see the pattern of variation as well as unusually high values. The blue line is a robust line of best fit.

Figure 4.3: Figure 2: (a) Plot of n vs deviation. Variability of deviation is dominated by sample size: small samples have large variability. (b) Log-log plot makes it easy to see the pattern of variation as well as unusually high values. The blue line is a robust line of best fit.

We will create a deviation variable named dist by taking the mean of squared differences between prop and prop_all. The above figures show the the number of deaths n by each cause of death and this distance measure dist in the raw-data scale (left) and in the log scale (right).

The author’s intuition is that we may observe a pattern that the more common the cause, the smaller the deviation (dist) tends to be. The author uses a linear model to account for such a relationship between the variability and sample size in the logarithmic scale. Once the model is defined and estimated, we can identify “outliers” that deviate largely from its prediction. Those outliers then become the candidates for usual deaths.


  • Use group_by() and summarise() on the master_hod data frame to generate n with function sum() and dist by mean((prop - prop_all)^2)

  • Filter this summary for n > 50 and call it devi_cod (deviations by cause of death)

  • Use ggplot() + geom_point() with data = devi_cod to produce the raw-scale figure

  • Additionally use scale_x_log10(), scale_y_log10(), and geom_smooth(method = "rlm", se = FALSE) to produce the log-scale figure

  • See help for scale_x_log10() to adjust axis labels (look for “comma”)

  • Technically speaking, we should change the axis labels to indicate the logarithmic transformation, but we skip it here.

  • Let’s not worry about reproducing the exact grids as they appear in the paper

Part D. Fit data by a regression and plot residuals

We will reproduce the following plot:

Figure 3: Residuals from a robust linear model predicting log(dist) by log(n). Horizontal line at 1.5 shows threshold for further exploration.

Figure 4.4: Figure 3: Residuals from a robust linear model predicting log(dist) by log(n). Horizontal line at 1.5 shows threshold for further exploration.

The figure is a plot of the regression residuals resid of log(dist) on log(n). By visual inspection, the points lying above the horizontal line at resid=1.5 are considered to be “unusual causes of deaths” by the author.

Here the author used the robust linear model (rlm()) regression, but the syntax is mostly the same as that of the standard linear model regression (lm() ).

Here is an example of regression by lm().

df <- data.frame(
  x1 <-  c(1:10),
  y1 <-  c(1,3,2,4,6,5,7,5,7,8)

df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = x1, y = y1)) + geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)

The geom_smooth() is estimating the following linear regression: \[ y1 = intercept + coefficient * x1 + residual\] The model is estimated by lm() as follows;

f1 <- lm(formula = y1 ~ x1,  data = df) 

Let’s see what we get out of the estimation results f1.

class(f1)    # class "lm"
## [1] "lm"
summary(f1)  # summary() knows how to summarise an object of class "lm" 
## Call:
## lm(formula = y1 ~ x1, data = df)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.52727 -0.57273 -0.02727  0.52273  1.54545 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   1.0000     0.6924   1.444 0.186656    
## x1            0.6909     0.1116   6.192 0.000262 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.014 on 8 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8273, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8058 
## F-statistic: 38.34 on 1 and 8 DF,  p-value: 0.0002618
coefficients(f1)  # coefficient point estimate
## (Intercept)          x1 
##   1.0000000   0.6909091
vcov(f1)          # coefficient variance-covariance matrix
##             (Intercept)          x1
## (Intercept)  0.47939394 -0.06848485
## x1          -0.06848485  0.01245179
predict(f1)       # predicted (fitted) values with the estimated coefficients 
##        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8 
## 1.690909 2.381818 3.072727 3.763636 4.454545 5.145455 5.836364 6.527273 
##        9       10 
## 7.218182 7.909091
resid(f1)         # residuals:  
##           1           2           3           4           5           6 
## -0.69090909  0.61818182 -1.07272727  0.23636364  1.54545455 -0.14545455 
##           7           8           9          10 
##  1.16363636 -1.52727273 -0.21818182  0.09090909

Let’s get back to our exercise and reproduce the figure above.


  • Run a regression by rlm with formula = log(dist) ~ log(n) and store the residuals in devi_cod data. To read more about linear regressions, see the help file of lm() (type ?lm). For adding a column of residuals, you can use assignment devi_cod$resid <- your_residuals.

  • Plot the residual against log-scale n

  • Note: Check the dataset devi_cod for missing values of dist and n before running a regression (you should not have missing values in this case). Most regression functions, including lm() and rlm(), drop any row with missing values. This becomes an issue if we want to add a new column containing predicted values or residuals to the original dataset. (When rows containing missing values are dropped, the vector generated by predict() or resid() will be shorter than the number of rows in the original dataset.)

  • Use ggplot() + geom_point() structure for the plot

  • Add + scale_x_log10() and + geom_hline(yintercept = 1.5)

Part E. Visualize unusual causes of death

We will reproduce the following plots:

The first figure is the unusual causes of deaths in devi_cod with a relatively large number of deaths (n > 350) and the second is that of a relatively small number of deaths (n <= 350).


  • Using the cut-toff value resid > 1.5, filter devi_cod and call it unusual data frame. Join master_hod and unusual data frames. Then create two subsets of data with conditions n > 350 and n <= 350.

  • Use ggplot() + geom_line() structure with + facet_warp(~ disease, ncol = 3)

  • To include the overall hourly proportions of deaths (prop_all) representing the average of all causes of deaths in a given hour, add another layer by geom_line(aes(...), data = overall_freq) with a local aes() argument and a data argument. With the data argument, variables in another data frame can be combined (assuming the axes have the same measurements), and here we use the overall_freq data frame from the panel (d) portion of Table 16 above.

  • last_plot() %+% another_data_frame reproduces a plot of the same structure with a different data frame

The Key

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Let’s recap. The author (Wickham) investigates the temporal pattern of death in Mexico to find the causes of death that have unusual temporal patterns within a day. Here are the five steps used in his approach.

  • A. Visualize the overall hourly frequency of death within a day

  • B. Construct variables to compare the proportion of death for each hour per cause against the overall proportion of hourly death

  • C. Plot the data to identify a general relationship among key variables

  • D. Create a linear model (i.e., data point = model prediction + residual)

  • E. Visualize the temporal pattern of the “unusual” cases, or the causes of death that have relatively large residuals

While these steps may not serve as a template for your data analysis, the thought process and techniques in the above exercise will be applicable to various situations.

In case you need to see more examples, here are additional dplyr and ggplot2 tutorials.


Wickham, Hadey. 2014. “Tidy Data.” The Journal of Statistical Software 59 (10). http://www.jstatsoft.org/v59/i10/.